About Us

The Lawyer Station

The Lawyer Station provides consumers with a free, simple, and effective way to conveniently shop for and compare attorneys online. Regardless of whether it’s for Accident, DUI, Divorce, Worker’s Compensation, Bankruptcy or any other type of practice, The Lawyer Station helps make shopping for and comparing attorneys easy. The Lawyer Station has a trusted relationship with thousands of local firms in all disciplines so you can be sure and find the right lawyer for your needs.

Our Missions

Our mission is to provide articles, information, and guidance for consumers on the best ways to look for and choose the right law firm, while continuing to offer attorneys ever-improving tools and top-quality leads to help them achieve success.

Consumers complete one simple and secure online questionnaire, then The Lawyer Station matches their questionnaire with the right firms, and within minutes the consumer receives information directly from those competing law firms. Consumers are able to compare a variety of firms and rates and then choose the best firm that meets their needs and fits their budget to represent them.

Grow your business with type and location targeted prospects